Roundtable: For a Strategic Development of Industry in Sudan Based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies, IPS, at the Industrial Research and Consultancy Center, IRCC, organized a roundtable-function for brainstorming under the title: For a Strategic Development of Industry in Sudan Based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The function took place on Tuesday and Wednesday, 2nd-3rd of February, 2021.

Faithful to its title, and the efforts exerted by a number of partners ( the federal Ministry of Industry, Khartoum State Ministry of Industry and Investment, UNIDO-Sudan office, and IRCC) to realize sustainable industrial development, and in faith in the importance of having strategies and policies that are well-defined in terms of ends and goals, the roundtable sought to create a consensual framework that helps steer counseled industrial policies towards a destination that is both strategic and flexible in order to reinforce the role, and boost the contribution of the industrial sector in the development of economy in Sudan.

The agenda of the roundtable were:

  • Brainstorming, by partners and stakeholders, about ways to modern designed industrial policies in order to institute a strategic course for industry aiming at realizing the goals of sustainable development (SDGs), and strengthening the productivity and competency of Sudanese industries.
  • Illustrating novel ideas that bring forward mechanisms for partners to cooperate and communicate regarding the pressing issues, and challenges of the industrial sector.
  • Introducing next steps in realizing the stated goals.
  • Expanding opportunities of involvement and networking among stakeholders of industry and industrial development in Sudan.

Following a mass invitation, a diverse spectrum of stakeholders and experts assembled: the Federal Minister of Industry, the Director General of the Ministry of Industry and Investment in Khartoum State, the Secretary General of the Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources (HCENR), the Country Representative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Deputy Minister of Economic Planning in the Ministry of Finance and Strategic Planning, state representatives of industry ministries and directorates (from Northern Kordofan, Gadarif, Red Sea, and Central Darfur), representatives of: the ministry of Energy and Mining, the industrial sector (businesses and engineering), Industrial Development Bank, The Sudanese Standards and Metrology Organization (SSMO), University of Khartoum (UofK), Industry Development Group in Sudan, in addition to IPS and IRCC personnel in general.

The first day fired up with the presentation of two conceptual papers. Then, the state and horizons of industry in Sudan was widely discussed, in addition to work priorities, and requirements of knowledge and cooperation. All participants shared important takes that rapporteurs noted down to include in the full report about the function that will be released later. The second day of discussions kicked off with another paper. The roundtable winded up with squeezing out suggestions and agreements on coming steps where there will be a larger gathering and participation of stakeholders and experts, and ensured studying and processing of the outputs of this function.

Attached below, for public viewing, the papers presented in the roundtable.


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